Avni’s Substack
Speak From the Body
Leading a Soft and Intentional Life, with Yarrow Magdalena

Leading a Soft and Intentional Life, with Yarrow Magdalena

Are you tired of rushing around, without the time and space for what’s truly important to you? Yarrow Magdalena lives a soft and intentional life, working from home in Scotland and creating offerings for her inclusive community about rituals, business and healing. She shares her philosophy that a slow, sustainable life can be just as creative and impactful.

For the full show notes: https://www.avni-touch.com/podcast/yarrow-magdalena

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Avni’s Substack
Speak From the Body
Speak From the Body: A practical way to reconnect with the wisdom of the body and nourish your soul. Host Avni Trivedi, an osteopath, doula and movement teacher is joined by experts to discuss integrated health, breath, creativity, embodiment, healing, birth, miscarriage and sleep. A practical way to reconnect with the body and nourish your soul.